CARE project has been developed out of the need matured over years of experience in the social welfare field, to create operational tools and specific training aimed at university students of the humanities and social sciences, in specific addressed to handle every kind of situation in the work with minors, in view of their exit from care centres.
The Intellectual Outputs
The project foresees the realisation of 5 intellectual outputs, realised during the 3 years of implementation, aimed at the creation of an innovative and experiential study pathway for the training of a figure able to work in contexts at risk with Careleavers, accompanying them in specific autonomy paths.
Literature review of models applied to autonomy pathways in out-of-home care system
Comparative study and analysis of intervention models for the promotion of autonomy of careleavers
Creation of a tool to analyse the history and patterns of autonomy of minors in the community and to identify protective and risk factors, in order to draw up a personalized autonomy project
Development of a toolkit for social operators aimed at building autonomy, resilience and empowerment pathways
Creation of a Joint curriculum for training an expert in autonomy promotion
Organisation of a mobility of 30 students in a Summer School in Palermo, hosted by the University of Palermo. The activity has a duration of 20 days in as blended mobility